This episode we were treated to some wonderful Kim / Kanye moments and then some Kourtney Sponsored Girl Trip Drama. Kourtney is famous for hosting girls trips for all of her friends and they always end in drama – it’s for this reason Khloe has never joined, but this year she decided she wanted to. As promised, there was drama but it involved less of the Kardashian girls and more of their friends. Let’s celebrate this juicy drama with some episode awards:

Cutest Kid Part 1

The episode started out by showing the clip of Kris on the Ellen show for Mother’s Day. Ellen surprised Kris by bringing all of her grandkids out (along with Kourtney). During the clip (you must watch if you haven’t) Reign decides he doesn’t want to talk anymore and exclaims “I’m done with this conversation.”

It’s just so freaking cute and you can just tell this kid is going to be a world of trouble when he grows up. They also casually drop on the show that Psalm was born that day! Psalm is Kris’ 10th grandchild. 

Cutest Kid Part 2

Psalm West is born!! Kim’s fourth, and as she proclaims, last child. Kim explains how they originally wanted to name the baby Ye (after Kanye of course) but that they decided that Ye didn’t mean anything significant enough. Kylie saved the day and called KimYe at the last moment and convinced them to name the baby Psalm “because Psalm and Saint go well together.” The name took a while to grow on me but now I’m all in. Psalm is EXTREMELY cute even though I usually don’t like babies. 

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Psalm and Kim <3 (via Cosmopolitan)

Rudest Friend / Best Non-Kardashian Drama Award

Oh Larsa, where to begin. You were a BITCH this episode. Let’s first check out the beach where you called Sarah unhealthy, then where you judged her for saying she wanted safety in a relationship. Then, your immediate reaction of “who cares” when Sarah tried to say something about the crying girl in the bathroom at the club. Let’s unpack a bit further. In what world is it acceptable to tell someone you seemingly barely know and don’t even get along with well that you “like them better with 5 pounds on them.” That’s not okay to say to anyone let alone someone you’re barely friends with – it wasn’t a concerned sentiment; it was meant to be a slight. Then moving on to Larsa talking about how the only way to not end up alone is to have a rotation of 10 guys vying for your attention at all times. Sarah says that she doesn’t want that because all she wants in her life is to be safe (while she’s holding a juul the whole time lol) and just needs a guy who can make her feel safe. Larsa tells her that this attitude is going to result in Sarah ending up alone for the rest of her life, which is just mean – why would you force that anxiety on someone??? Finally, when they’re all at the club, Sarah comes up to the group after going to the bathroom and mentions that she witnessed someone sobbing in the bathroom. It’s extremely normal to tell your friends when you see something like that but Larsa’s immediate reaction is “who cares” and “don’t ruin Kourtney’s vibe.” Everyone sees right through Larsa, immediately knowing that she just doesn’t want Sarah taking away any of Kourtney’s attention towards her. It’s so rude and transparent that it makes you question the kind of person Larsa is – like why be so mean to someone else just because you’re thirsty for attention? It was hard to watch. Best part was that Khloe was so happy with the drama – lol that she tries to pretend she doesn’t love being right in the middle of it all. 

Per usual, Khloe gets it.

Most Mature Kourtney Moment

For the entire girls trip, Larsa was trying to hang out with random guys (pt.100 of Larsa being the worst this episode). After this and Larsa’s aggressively rude actions towards Sarah, Kourtney decides to tackle all of her frustrations towards Larsa while they kayak together. Side note: that kayak looked so cool; it was completely clear and you could see all the way to the bottom of the ocean given the clear water in Turks and Caicos. Back to the drama, Kourtney essentially tells Larsa to stop being rude and stop being a bully – just because some people don’t agree with her way of thinking doesn’t mean she should just dismiss them and she should try to see things from other people’s points of view. Larsa is not having it and basically tells Kourtney that her world view is distorted if she thinks that the way she was treating people could be classified as “bullying.” Larsa is so wrong on this one – it’s kind of funny. Kourtney also takes the opportunity to tell her that she’s done a lot of growing up in recent months and doesn’t feel the need to get constant validation through men. Kourtney’s taking the time to love herself and doesn’t want to constantly be partying and trying to get with guys. Larsa basically tells her this self-love thing is a phase and she’ll be there for Kourtney when she’s ready to return to the partying lifestyle. LOL Larsa is the worst, I really don’t understand why Kourtney wants to stay friends with her but I guess it’s a comfort thing. 

Khloe with the post-episode damage control. Have to respect it.

Best Vibe

Khloe per usual is a vibe. After they all try to put the Larsa-Sarah-Kourtney drama behind them, they go on a booze cruise and white there, jump off the giant ship. Khloe has a bottle of 1942 Don Julio in her hand the entire time because why not. She gets hammered, they smoke hookah at a club and it looks like a blast. I just want to party with Khloe – is that too much to ask?!?

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Kourt and Khloe fighting over 1942 Don Julio on a boat is my current vibe (via E!)

Cutest Kid / Moment Part 3

Kim and Kanye decide that for their 5th anniversary they want to renew their vows renewal. Just the people in their wedding party come (essentially just the family) and it’s a very intimate ceremony that they don’t show us because it’s meant just for them – which I totally respect. The best part of this comes when Kim is explaining how Kanye proposed to her. She tells him how Kanye proposed to her on a baseball field; he got down on one knee and asked “will you marry me?” She then tells Saint to try and gives him the ring on her finger and tells him to ask her to marry her. It’s the CUTEST moment of the episode and while this is happening, they’re showing us old footage of Kim and Kanye meeting. From when he wrote the song about being in love with her down to the iconic proposal which I may or may not cry at every single time. It was just a beautiful celebration and I’m a sucker for a good montage.